Thursday, 22 December 2011

The 10 Beers of Christmas (or, Why the Chuff Didn't I Buy 12?) - Day 9

Day 9 - Abbaye des Rocs Speciale Noel

This is one I'd tried last year and was looking forward to getting my chops around it again. I like the label of this beer, it's kind of a stained glass window effect and very festive in quite a traditional way that's suited to an Abbey.

It's a very rustic affair which reminds me hugely of Trappistes Rochefort no 6. It's a similar strength to the number 8 but I haven't had that one enough to say that this one is like that. Regardless of which one it's like, Rochefort is up there in my opinion as making some of the world's best beers so it's a high accolade.

The main problem with this beer was that it was another erupter. The exacerbating factor with beers like this is that some people like to leave the sediment at the bottom (although I'm the camp of 'bung it all in') and it basically churns it all up. This resulted in no head on the beer, but there was still plenty of fizziness left behind. It's one of those champagnesque bubblers. Now it starts looking up.

It's a dark, murky brown beer with heaps of sediment; it's positively teeming with chunks of this and that. There's a heavy malt smell with clove, cinnamon and aniseed but in very well-balanced terms. It's got a tang, which I was about to describe as unique, but then remembered it's the one that you get in Rochefort beers. It's tangy, slightly musty and very distinctive. The high level of alcohol (9%) really helps this.

The taste brings more development. Dark chocolate comes first then dissipates to a rich coffee which sticks around in your mouth. Unfortunately, like all great guests, it has to leave but it parts with a gift; a short bitter finish and lots of sweetness.

The musty elements may not be to everyone's taste but that is what is so great about beer from Belgium; there really is something for everyone's taste. Indeed, they make stuff for virtually no-one's taste too (lambics anyone?). This is one I'm going to rate highly as it really is my cup of tea. It may not be yours but give it a shot.

Abbaye des Rocs Speciale Noel - 9
Christmas rating - 8

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