Day 8 - Tongerlo Christmas
As the daily drinking nears its end I'm presented with my first disappointment of the pack.
Tongerlo is a brewery which I've only tried once before. I don't remember much about the 'Prior', but as it was over two years ago that doesn't necessarily say much.
The Christmas beer, as well as being the LEAST festive label you could conceive, is also the weakest of the gang, coming in at only 7% - pah, it's virtually water (!!). It's an amber beer. I could stop there. If you've tried amber ale from Belgium, e.g. De Koninck, you've tried this. It's no game-changer.
It's starts well with nice, excitable head on it and it has a fine hue. All good, so far. It's got the appearance of a best bitter; the head has a lovely, slightly golden tint to it.
It smells like... well, beer. It's crisp. It's clean. There's hints of malt, hops, yeast and errr, water... Blimey that's what they make beer out of! It's mildly malty and easy to drink. The finish is clean.
If you ever meet someone who hasn't tried beer before, offer them this - they'll be blown away! There's no point in me describing this beer anymore because it tastes like beer. Nice beer.
I'm not trying to suggest that it isn't good, because it's not a bad beer. It's fine. I just think there are more exciting things to drink. I'm being a little harsh because, as for this beer being Christmassy... puhleeease.
Tongerlo Christmas - 5
Christmas rating - 2
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